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课间休息十分钟 Break Between Classes

编辑: 英语作文 来源: 英语作文网 时间: 2013-08-19 阅读:
初中英语作文:课间休息十分钟 Break Between Classes

Class is over. The students are jumping with joy, just like runaway horses. Look, some of them have left their seats and begin to play noisily. They are laughing and screaming from time to time. Some don't leave their seats. They are making use of the short time to play games. Sometimes they argue so seriously and sometimes they appear so polite. Others are sitting in their seats, as if they are thinking of something. Now and then they will stop to watch what others are doing. What an active ten minutes' break it is!

下课了,学生们欢呼雀跃,就像脱缰的野马。你看,他们中的一些人已经离开了自己的座位,开始大肆打闹。他们的尖叫声和欢笑声不断。有些人没有离开自 己的座位。他们正在利用这短暂的时间玩游戏。有时候,他们很严肃的争辩,有时又很客气。有的人坐在自己的座位上,好像在思考着什么。他们会时不时停下来看 看别人在做什么。这是一个多么积极活跃的课间休息十分钟啊!

上一篇:兴趣是最好的老师 Interest Is the Best Teacher 下一篇:早恋之我见 My View on Calf Love



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