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雨水对植物的重要性 The Importance of Rainwater to Plants

编辑: 英语作文 来源: 英语作文网 时间: 2014-02-24 阅读:
初二英语作文:雨水对植物的重要性 The Importance of Rainwater to Plants
We all know that water is very important for human beings, while rainwater is also very important for plants. Their mother gives their first life, but rainwater provides them the second life. Without rainwater, the plants, especially the wild plants will thirst to die. As living in the wilderness, they can’t get the attention from human beings. So they have to drink the natural water, which is from the rainwater. We all know that we can bear hunger for a short time, but we couldn’t stand thirsty. So do the plants. So, you can see how important rainwater is to plants.
我们都知道,水对人类来说是非常重要的,而雨水对于植物来说也是非常重要的。他们的母亲给他们第一个生命,而雨水却为他们提供了第二个生命。没有雨水,植 物,尤其是野生植物会渴死的。由于生活在野外,他们得不到人们的照顾。所以他们只能喝天然水,也就是从雨水中来的。我们大家都知道短期内的饥饿我们是可以 承受的,但是口渴我们却是无法承受的。对于植物来说也是一样的。所以,可见植物对雨水的重要性。
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