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编辑: 英语作文 来源: 英语作文网 时间: 2012-09-01 阅读:

Self introduction of an earthworm

Hello. I'm an earthworm,I live in underground with my friends.I have no eyes, no lungs and so on. I breath throgh my skin.My bulge section is where my child was born.I'm slimy so that I can move in underground easily.I'm 1.5m long and 10 years old. My greatgrandgrandpa is the longest and eldest earthworm I have ever seen.He's 3m long and 15 years old. We help the Earth to breath easier. I am good for the plants. I swallow earth and excrete fertilizer. We never eat the roots of plants and everyday I can dug hole as 3m long and help the water go around underground,so we are gardeners' best friend. If a glass of water is dirty, three of my friends can clean it. I want to be more useful for all living creature.



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