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我对于早恋的看法 My View on Calf Love

编辑: 英语作文 来源: 英语作文网 时间: 2013-01-24 阅读:
我对于早恋的看法 My View on Calf Love
温馨提示:这是一篇关于早恋的初三英语作文范文,早恋(fall in love at an early age)爱情是美好的,每个人都渴望爱情,但是早恋到底该不该提倡呢?

There is a common phenomenon should be noticed, calf love. Now, many students have boyfriend or girlfriend in their middles school. It makes parents badly worry. They think that calf love will have serious impacts on study. Some parents are on the alert. They are afraid that children can fail in study once they fall in love with someone, because students may spend much time in playing with their couple and pour too much attention into love. I think parents’ concerns are reasonable, because their worries do happen in reality. However, I don’t think they should exaggerate their behavior. It’s normal for youth having interest to others. As long as they control themselves, it’s not so terrible.

初中英语作文:我对于早恋的看法 My View on Calf Love 中文翻译

有一个现在值得关注,那就是早恋。现在,有很多学 生在中学时代就有男女朋友,这让家长们忧心忡忡。他们认为早恋会对学习产生严重的影响,有的家长时刻警惕着自己的孩子。他们担心孩子陷入恋爱会耽误学习。 我认为家长们的担心不无道理,因为他们的忧虑的确时有成为现实。但是,我却认为不应该把早恋这种行为妖魔化,年轻人对异性产生兴趣是很正常的,只要控制好 自己,早恋并没有那么可怕。
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