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今天我上学迟到了 I am late for school

编辑: 英语作文 来源: 英语作文网 时间: 2013-01-25 阅读:
初一英语作文:今天我上学迟到了 I am late for school

Today, I do something stupid because of my carelessness. I take a bus to school every morning. But today, I was on the wrong bus and I realized it ten minutes. I was so nervous when I found it that I shouted loud to the bus driver to stop the bus. I got off on the bus station and took another bus to the school. Of course, I was late for school. When my teacher asked me why I was late, I told her that I got on the wrong bus. She gave me an unbelieving look. In the math class, I was lost in my mind. The teacher named me to answer a question but I didn’t hear him, and I failed to answer it, too. I don’t know what happened to me today. I hope it just because I didn’t have a good sleep last night.

今天由于我的粗心,我做了很傻的事。每天早上我都 是坐公交车去上学,但是今天,我却上错了车,直到十分钟后我才发现。由于太紧张,我向司机大喊让他停车。我在公车站下车然后上了另一辆车去学校。不出意外 的,我迟到了。当老师问我为什么迟到的时候,我告诉她我上错了车,她给了我一个难以置信的表情。数学课上,我开小差了。老师点名叫我回答问题,我甚至没有 听见,而我也回答不上他的问题。我不知道自己今天到底怎么了,希望只是因为我昨晚没睡好觉而已吧。
上一篇:第一次坐飞机英文(first time to take a plane) 下一篇:一封电子邮件 An E-mail



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