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关于希望工程的英语作文 The Hope Project

编辑: 英语作文 来源: 英语作文网 时间: 2013-03-05 阅读:
初中英语作文:关于希望工程的英语作文带翻译  The Hope Project

The Hope Project is a commonweal undertaking. It aims at helping the children who are out of school in the poor area. What this organization usually do is subsidize the children in the poor place to go to school. Hope Primary Schools are the result of it. I’m very moved for the act of the Hope Project. With its help, more and more people in need can go to school. I hope the helping spirit will last forever, as it is the traditional of China.

希望工程是一项公益事业。它旨在帮助那些在贫困地区的失学儿童。这个组织通常做的就是资助贫穷地方的儿童上学。希望小学就是它的杰作。对于希望工程的行为 我非常的感动。有了它的帮助,越来越多的需要帮助的人可以去学校。我希望这种乐于助人的精神永存,因为它是中国的传统美德。

上一篇:我最敬佩的人 The People I Admire Most 下一篇:我的新老师 My New Teacher



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