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关于我对广告的看法 My View on Advertisement

编辑: 英语作文 来源: 英语作文网 时间: 2014-01-11 阅读:
初中英语作文:关于我对广告的看法 My View on Advertisement

Advertisement is very common in our life. I have a preference for it. It is funny and helps us a lot. Every time when I open TV or go outside, I can see various advertisements. They tell me the information that people concerned lately. So, I have to go to school every day, but I still know which kind of goods are the most popular. It provides a choice for me who have no idea about goods. And it is interesting, not boring at all. 
广告在我们生活中是很常见的。我特别喜欢它。它很有趣,也帮我们很多。每次当我打开电视或者到外面去的时候,我都可以看到各种各样的广告。他们告知我大家 最近所关注的是什么。所以,虽然每天我都要去上学,但我仍然知道什么样的产品是最受大家欢迎的。这对于关于商品没什么想法的我来说提供了一个不错的选择。 而且广告很有趣,一点都不乏味。
上一篇:关于中国东盟博览会的英语作文 下一篇:我朋友的一家 My Friend's Family



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