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电子书将会取代传统书籍 E-books Will Replace Traditional Book

编辑: 英语作文 来源: 英语作文网 时间: 2013-06-21 阅读:

大学英语作文:电子书将会取代传统书籍 E-books Will Replace Traditional Books

Recent decades have seen the rapid development of information technology. It plays a significant role in our daily life. According, our reading habits changes a lot, because there are more and more e-books come to our daily life. There is no doubt that e-books makes reading more convenient and comfortable. Therefore, there are hot debates about e-books will replace traditional books.


Some people assert that e-books will replace traditional books. The following vies can support their views. In the first place, we have been used to reading e-books. When we want to do some reading, we may first search in on the Internet. Moreover, it saves us time and money. With e-books, we don’t have to go to the library to borrow or go to the bookstore to buy. Last but not least, at present, plenty of people like to reading books on the phone or computer, which is convenient to carry.

一些人认为电子书会取代传统书籍。以下的理由是支持他们的观点的。首先,我们已经习惯于阅读电子书。当我们想阅读的时候,我们首先可能会先在互联网上搜 索。此外,电子书节约时间和金钱。有了电子书,我们不用去图书馆借阅或去书店买。最后但并非最不重要的,如今很多人们喜欢在便于携带的手机或电脑上阅读。

From the discussion above, I think in the future, the e-books will replace the traditional ones.


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