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天体浴之我见 My Views on Celestial Body Bath

编辑: 英语作文 来源: 英语作文网 时间: 2014-03-07 阅读:
大学英语作文:天体浴之我见 My Views on Celestial Body Bath

Celestial body bath is a behavior that people lying naked on the beach enjoying the sunshine, in some place in the foreign, celestial body bath has been considered as a way the people could return to the natural and enjoy health, while it has been a controversial topic in China. Some Chinese are becoming increasingly aware of the benefit of celestial body bath, they go to the beach in Sanya to enjoy it. In my opinion, I think celestial body bath is not acceptable in China, I have several reasons to support my point of view.
天体浴是人们裸体躺在沙滩上享受阳光的行为,在国外的一下地方,天体浴被认为是人们回归自然和享受健康的一种方式,然而这个在中国是个备受争议的话题。有 些中国人开始逐渐意识到天体浴的好处,他们跑到三亚的海滩去享受天体浴。在我看来,我认为在中国,天体浴是不可接受的,我有几个理由来支持我的观点。
In the first place, naked in a public place is not allowed in the traditional Chinese morality, it can be considered as a morality undone. China is quite a conservative country, especially for the old generation. It is hard for them to take when they see someone lying naked on the beach and having a big enjoyable face. Besides, even for the young generation, it could be wire to see a bunch naked men on the beach, which is bad for them to set up a correct aesthetic, and might be hard to keep the fine traditional style of Chinese over the next generation.
第一,在中国的传统观念中,在公共场合裸体是不允许的,这被认为是道德沦丧。中国是个相当保守的国家,特别是老一辈的人。对他们来说,看到有人一脸享受地 裸躺在海滩上是相当难受的。再者,就算对年轻一袋,在海滩上看到一堆裸男也是很诡异的,而且也不利于他们树立正确的审美观,还有可能不利于下一代保持中国 的优良传统作风。
In the second place, celestial body bath is harmful to society’s morals. Sanya is a prestigious tourist attraction at home and abroad, thousands of people come to here to enjoy their holidays, lots of them are come from foreign. If our foreign friend saw the Chinese naked man on the beach, then our fine traditional style of Chinese fame would be ruined.
To sum up, celestial body bath is not acceptable in China, we should both think of the old generation’s feelings as well as educate the young generation, and keep the excellent Chinese traditional style.
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