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爱的力量 Love Power

编辑: 英语作文 来源: 英语作文网 时间: 2013-10-18 阅读:
高二英语作文:爱的力量 Love Power

We always say that love has great power to fix anything. But what power does lovehave and how it works? In my opinion, love is the firmest connection betweenpeople. The relationship between people may be connected due to variousreasons, but love helps people understand and accept each other. So people cankeep their relationship much longer. Besides, love can heal a wounded heart. Sometimes,we may be hurt by others or we may suffer some unexpected accidents. They ofcourse will depress us. But love given by others can pull us out of depression.Because they love us, they will be around us and help us.

我们常说爱有巨大的力量可以弥补任何东西,但是爱到底有什么力量?它是怎样给我们力量的呢?我认为,爱是维系人与人之间的关系最牢固的纽带。人与人 之间的关系可能会因为种种原因而形成,但是能让人们相互理解、相互接受,所以关系能维系得更久。另外,爱能治愈一颗受伤的心。有的时候,我们肯能会被他人 伤害,或是遭遇到意想不到的灾祸,这都会使我们感到沮丧,但是他人给予的爱却能把我们脱离沮丧,因为他们爱我们,所以他们会相伴左右,向我们伸出援手。

上一篇:国庆节英语日记 The National Day Diary 下一篇:关于消除贫困的英语作文范文 Eradication of Poverty



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