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关于住处的选择的英语作文 Choosing Living Place

编辑: 英语作文 来源: 英语作文网 时间: 2013-07-21 阅读:
关于住处的选择的英语作文带翻译 Choosing Living Place

Living place is essential to people’s life. However, when asked the question what is the better place do you want to live, different people have different opinions. Some people choose to live in city because the living standards in the city are much higher than in the countryside. What’s more, there are more chances of employment and you can find a suitable job for yourself. Last but not least, in big cities you and your children can receive better education.

On the other hand, some people prefer living in countryside because of the fresh air and quite living condition. In the modern society, many people are in great pressure because of the fierce competition. As for these people, countryside life is a good choice for them to relax and be healthy.

For me, I would like to live in big city. Firstly, I will graduate next year and in the big city I can have more chances to find a suitable job. Secondly, in the big city, there are many entertainment and public service such as swimming pool and park. Thirdly, as we all know, friend is very important and in big city, I can makes friends with people from different countries and regions which can enrich my life. Therefore, I like the city life.


对人们来说住所是很重要的。然而,当被问到理想中比较好的地方是什么的时候,不同的人会有不同的想法。有些人选择住在城市因为城市的生活水平要比乡村的 高。而且,就业机会更大,找到适合自己的工作的机会也更多。最后但并非最不重要的是,你和你的孩子在大城市里都可以得到更好的教育。

对我来说,我喜欢住在大城市。首先,我明年就要毕业了,在大城市里,我可以有更多的机会来找到一份合适的工作。其次,大城市有很多娱乐和公共服务,如游泳 池、公园。第三,我们都知道朋友是非常重要的,在大城市里我可以和来自不同国家、地区的人交朋友,这样可以丰富我的生活。因此,我喜欢城市生活。

上一篇:赵本山张国立加盟春晚导演组 Zhao Benshan And Zhang Guoli Join 下一篇:如何选择朋友 how to choose Friends



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