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关于乡村教师的英语作文 Country Teacher

编辑: 英语作文 来源: 英语作文网 时间: 2014-03-17 阅读:
高中英语作文:关于乡村教师的英语作文 Country Teacher

In the 1990s, as the call of the government that teachers should go to the country to serve the people, there are more and more teachers go to the country to continue their teaching education. People speak highly of the teachers, because they contribute their youth to the teaching education. I recognize a country teacher when I were in my internship, after a month in the country, I feel lonely and bored, I began to admire country teachers. They are so great, they choose to go to the village at their best youth, giving up the comfortable life in the city. I am wondering what make them make such decision. The teacher I know said that they thought they would here just for a few years, but as the time went by, they felt the kids needed them, so they stayed. I am so admire them, they are the real great men.

在1990年,随着国家呼唤教师下乡服务人民,越来越多的教师下乡从事他们的教育事业。人们高度评价教师,因为他们把自己的青春奉献给了教育事业。我在实 习的时候认识了一名乡村教师,在乡村的一个月里,我觉得孤独和无聊,开始敬佩乡村教师。他们很伟大,选择在他们最好的年华下乡,放弃了城市里优越的生活。 我想知道是什么让他们做这个决定。我认识的那个教师说他们以为会在这里呆个几年,但是随着时间的流逝,他们觉得孩子需要他们,所以决定留下来。我很佩服他 们,他们是真正伟大的人。

上一篇:什么是真正的朋友What Is The Real Friend 下一篇:关于就业前景调查的英语作文 Job Investigating



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