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父爱如山英语作文Father's Love

编辑: 英语作文 来源: 英语作文网 时间: 2013-02-02 阅读:
高中英语作文:父爱如山英语作文Father's Love
这是一篇关于父爱的高一英语作文范文,人们总说父爱如山,安静、伟岸,他们总把对孩子的 爱深埋心底,从不显露
People always say that father’s love is so quiet but grand that it seems like a mountain. They always bury their love to children deep in the bottom of their hearts and never show it. Father seldom says I love you to their children or does something show it. Mother often tells us to eat more and put on more clothes, but father doesn’t.  Father seldom asks your life in school or your relationship with your friends. When you are in trouble and ask suggestions from him, he would not tell you what you should do but help you to find solutions instead. However, father still plays the most important role in your life. He is always the supporter of your life. Whenever you need, he is always by your side. This is the way he shows his love.
人们总说父爱如山,安静、伟岸,他们总把对孩子的 爱深埋心底,从不显露。父亲很少会对孩子说我爱你,也不做什么事去表现自己的爱。妈妈常常会叫我们多吃饭多穿衣,但父亲不会这样。他们很少过问你在学校的 生活,也不关心你与朋友们的关系如何。当你遇到问题向他寻求建议时,他不会直接告诉你应该怎样做,而是帮助你找到解决的方法。但是,父亲依然是你生命中最 重要的人,他永远是你生活中的坚强后盾。不管何时,只要你需要,他就会在你的身边,这就是他表现爱的方式。
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