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我生命中最难忘的事情,the most unforgettable things in my lif

编辑: 英语作文 来源: 英语作文网 时间: 2012-08-10 阅读:
我生命中最难忘的事情,the most unforgettable things in my life中文


我生命中最难忘的事情,the most unforgettable things in my life 

I saw a film named “atonement” several years ago. I was deeply affected by the sad story. The story was told by the author who wrote a novel about herself. It seems that the film was based on the autobiographies of the author.
The story tells us a sad story that a young girl between the ages of 13 and 16 falls/fell a young man who served her family from childhood. The girl loved the boy only in heart. She loved him so much that she can’t stand anybody sharing him with her. But she never expressed her inner feeling. Until one day, she found the young man actually has fallen in love with her cousin. Her loving to the man changed to hatred. The young man was put into jail for the girl’s false accusations although his denied the accusation completely. From then on, the young man has never got any chance to meet with his lover. Because, he didn’t return back in the World WarⅡ.His lover, the author’s cousin also died in German’s air attack in London. This end of the story exceeded the girl’s expectation. And that had always been her atonement through her lifetime.
The story was somewhat sadly beautiful, and we could assume many endings for the story. We should not expect the sad ending, including the girl’s atonement, we expect Jack shall have Jill. Happiness is having things to do, what have people to love, and what have things to expect.
上一篇:我喜欢的音乐,昨日重现 Yesterday once more 下一篇:英语话题作文,有趣的一天



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