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关于辞职的考研英语优秀范文-quit the job

编辑: 英语作文 来源: 英语作文网 时间: 2012-08-07 阅读:
关于辞职的考研英语优秀范文-quit the job   中文原文

很抱愧我作出决定退出本杂志的编辑工作。在 这里我学到了很多工具,可是这不是我理想的工作。因为作为一个编辑,我要花费太多的时间,这远远超出我的承受能力。因为繁重的工作负担以至我生活得很累。 另外,作为一个编辑,我有一个很年夜的压力,它真的不是我想要做的工作。另外,这项工作的工资比我预期的还要低很多。总之,我不想获得低廉的工资过着这样艰 苦的生活。我给您带来的未便暗示歉意。如果你能理解我的处境,我将不堪感激。



关于辞职的考研英语优秀范文-quit the job 英文翻译

Dear Mr.Wang,
I am sorry to make the decision to quit the job as an editor for the magzine . Much as I have learnt here, it is not my ideal job. As an editor, I have to work for too much time which is beyond my bearing capacity. I am too tired to live a nomal life because of the heavy-burden work. Moreover, as an editor,I have a lot of pressure, for it is not really the sort of job i want to do. Besides, the salary for this work is a little lower than that in my what I have expected. All in all, I do not want to live such a hard life with a small salary. I am apologizing for the inconvenience to you. I would appreciate it if you can understand my situation.

Yours sincerely,

Li Qiang
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