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我的理想 My Dream

编辑: 英语作文 来源: 英语作文网 时间: 2013-01-25 阅读:

小学英语作文:我的理想 My Dream

I want to be a scientist in the future. This is my dream. I must work hard for it. Scientists make great contribution to our society. We have TV, computer, train, plane, planet and many other things because of the hard work of scientists. So I want to be a great person as they are. I want to become an aerospace scientist, because I am interested in the outer space very much. The outer space is wonderful and amazing. It must be great if I can be a scientist of this field.

将来我想成为一名科学家。这是我的梦想,我必须为之努力。科学家对社会做出了伟大贡献。因为科学家的努力工作,我们有了电视机,电脑,火车,飞机,卫星以 及很多其他东西。因此,我想成为想他们一样伟大的人。我想成为航空科学家,因为我对外太空很感兴趣。外太空是美妙而又神奇的。如果我能成为这个领域的科学 家一定很棒。

上一篇:假如我会变 If I Could Change Myself 下一篇:我最期待的是过年 My Expectation



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