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我的宠物小狗 My Pet

编辑: 英语作文 来源: 英语作文网 时间: 2013-07-08 阅读:
小学英语作文:我的宠物小狗 My Pet

I have a lovely dog, its name is Lulu. I like Lulu. It's very docile. It has white fur, so it looks very nice. It’s my best animal friend. It is also very friendly. Every time I go home, it will wag its tail to me. As long as I am angry, it will run to me and make me happy. It seems like my blood sister. I should take good care of Lulu and protect her. Last, I think we human beings should fulfill the responsibility to look after our pets.

我有一只可爱的狗,它的名字叫露露。我喜欢露露。它很温顺。它的毛是白色的,所以看起;来很漂亮。它是我最好的动物朋友。它也是很友好的。每次我回 到家,它就会朝我摇尾巴。只要我生气了,它就会跑过来,逗我快乐。它就像我的亲姐姐一样。我应该好好照顾露露并保护她。最后,我认为我们人类应该履行照顾 宠物的责任。

上一篇:我们的学校 Our school 下一篇:我的一天三餐 My Three Meals



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