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关于看日食的英语作文 Seeing the Eclipse

编辑: 英语作文 来源: 英语作文网 时间: 2013-08-30 阅读:
初中英语作文:关于看日食的英语作文 Seeing the Eclipse

Today is a special day for us, because my friends and I saw the eclipse.It happened at about 9:00 a.m. It was so glorious that we shouldn't miss it. It was the most brilliant natural phenomenon. It happens in every five hundred years, so it was worth seeing. During the eclipse, the sun was screened by the moon, so it was gloomy outside. While seeing the eclipse, we should wear the special sunglasses; otherwise it would be bad for our eyes.In the river south, the sun was wholly sheltered by the moon, so people could see the whole scenery. It seemed that the night was coming. Everyone was so thrilled.

今天对我们来说是一个特殊的日子,因为我和我的朋友看到日食。发生在早上九点的时候。它是如此的辉煌以至于我们都不应该错过。它是最壮观的自然现 象。每五百年出现一次日食,所以是值得一看的。日食的时候,太阳被月亮遮住,所以外面是暗淡的。在看到日食的时候,我们应该带特殊的太阳镜;否则会伤害我 们的眼睛。在江南太阳完全被月球遮蔽,所以人们可以看到整个风景。似乎夜晚来临了,每个人都很兴奋。

上一篇:关于儿童节的到来的英语作文 下一篇:开学第一天



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