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冬天的早晨 The Winter Morning

编辑: 英语作文 来源: 英语作文网 时间: 2014-01-16 阅读:
小学英语作文:冬天的早晨 The Winter Morning

The winter morning is very cold. I don't want to get up at all. The bed is so warm and comfortable, but the outside is too cold. Every morning, my mother pulls me up from my bed. It takes much longer to get up. But I like the breakfast in winter morning, because mother often cooks hot food for me. It makes me much warmer. Because of the cold weather, father often takes me to school, so I don't have to ride my bike or take a bus. In one word, the winter morning is cold and I just want to stay indoors.

冬天的早晨很冷,我根本就不想起床,床很暖和、很舒服,但外边确实如此寒冷。每天早上我的妈妈都把我从床上拉起来,起床要花很多的时间,但我喜欢冬 日早晨的早餐,因为妈妈经常给我做热的东西吃,这使我暖和了很多。因为天气问题,爸爸经常送我去上学,因此我用不着自己骑自行车或是坐公交车,总之,冬天 的早晨很冷,我只想待在室内。

上一篇:我的朋友 My Friend 下一篇:关于第一次撒谎的英语作文 The First Time I Lie



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