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关于太阳和地球的英语作文(Sun and Earth)

编辑: 英语作文 来源: 英语作文网 时间: 2013-03-19 阅读:
中考英语作文:关于太阳和地球的英语作文(Sun and Earth)
这是一篇关于太阳和地球的英语作文范文(Sun and Earth),因为地球每天在自转,所以产生了白天和默认;时刻围绕太阳做公转,产生了一年四季。
the sun shines on us. it gives us light and heat. it makes everything grow. it gives the earth life.

  the earth turns round itself. as it turns, we have day and night. it's bright by day and dark by night.

   the earth also travels round the sun in an orbit. as it travels, we have four seasons. it is hot in summer and cold in winter. the days are long in summer and short in winter. in spring it is warm and the days are getting longer. in autumn it is cool and the days are getting shorter.

太阳照在我们身上,它给我们光与热,它使一切生物成长,提供了地球生命。 地球绕本身自转。事实证明,正因为如此,我们才有白天和黑夜。这是光明的一天,黑暗的夜晚。 地球围绕太阳的轨道旅行。因为它的旅行,我们有四个季节。它是炎热的夏天和寒冷的冬天。夏季白天长和冬季白天短。春天是温暖的日子越来越长。秋季凉爽,白天越 来越短。

上一篇:难忘的一节课(An Unforgettable Lesson ) 下一篇:关于太阳(About the sun)



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