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关于压力过大会引起问题的英文文章 Too Much Stress Cause Probl

编辑: 英语作文 来源: 英语作文网 时间: 2012-11-05 阅读:

关于压力过大会引起问题的英文文章 Too Much Stress Cause Problems

Stress is your body’s response to demands that are placed on it. It’s the “wear and tear” experience as you continually make adjustments to changes in your life. Demands may be external, say bills, friends, work, relationships, or they may be in your mind, for example, how you feel about yourself. So stress is commonly considered to be a bad thing. Is it really the case? Not really. In fact, I should say, everyone needs a certain amount of stress in order to live well. Stress is what gets you out of bed in the morning, giving you extra zest and vitality to do all sorts of things: presentation, sport, work. But too much stress may cause problems.

压力是对你所施加的需求的身体反应。这是随着你不断调整你生活中的改变的“磨损”经验。需求肯能是来源于外界,如法案,朋友,工作,关系;也可能是存在于 你脑海中,比如你的自我感觉。所以,压力是普遍被认为是一件坏事。事情真的是这样吗?不是的。事实上,我们应该说,为了生活得更好,每个人都需要一定的压 力。压力每天早上把你从床上拉出来,给你额外的热情和活力去做各种各样的事情,如演示,运动,工作等等。但是压力过大可能会引起问题。

As a negative factor, stress can destroy work and home relationships. Too much stress may cause distraction, anger, anxiety or fear. To modern people, it is important to note that too much stress may result in a range of health problems, including headaches, upset stomach, high blood pressure, even strokes and heart disease. Stress becomes a problem or “distress” when you have either too little or too much of it. Many women complain about having too much stress in their lives. This over-stress needs to be reduced to a more manageable level. The over-stress that people experience may be acute such as the loss of a job, divorce, a death or chronic such as being unemployed for a long time, being in a bad relationship, or long-term illness. In either case, too much stress at either an acute or chronic level can exhaust your body and ultimately lead to health problems. Therefore, people should learn to adjust lives and mood, so that have less stress and live a healthy and happy life.

作为一个消极的因素,压力可以摧毁工作和家庭关系。压力过大会导致分心,愤怒,焦虑和恐惧。对现代人来说,主要的是要注意压力过大会导致一系列的健康问 题,这些问题包括头痛,胃部不适,高血压甚至中风和心脏病。当你拥有过多或者过少的时候,压力就会变成一种问题或者“苦恼”。很多妇女抱怨她们的生活中有 太多压力。这种过应力应该减少到一个更易于管理的水平。人们所经历的这种过应力可能是急性的,如失业,离婚,死亡;也可能是慢性的,如长时间失业,处于糟 糕的人际关系中,或者是长期患病。在这两种情况下,不管是急性或慢性的压力过大都可能耗尽你的体力,最终导致健康问题。因此,人们应该学会调节生活和心 情,这样就可以减少压力,过上健康幸福的生活。

上一篇:关于保持积极乐观心态的英文 Keep Positive and Optimistic 下一篇:关于成熟的意义的英文文章 The Meaning of Maturity



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