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关于植树节的英语作文 The Tree-Planting Day

编辑: 英语作文 来源: 英语作文网 时间: 2014-03-13 阅读:
大学英语作文:关于植树节的英语作文带翻译 The Tree-Planting Day

When it comes to the tree-planting day, everybody knows it’s a day that call on people to plant more trees and stop cutting down trees blindly, but few people know the story behind tree-planting day. The tree-planting day was dedicated in the memory of Sun Yat-sen. Mr. Sun had always pay great attention to trees planting. In the year of 1914, he promulgated the first Forest Law in history. Then the government and the ordinary people started to plant trees in the spring. On March 12th, 1925, Mr. Sun passed away, in order to memorialize the great contribution he had make to our country, the government decided every year of this day is the tree-planting day.
当提到植树节,人们都会联想到这是一个号召大家种植更多树木,停止盲目砍伐树林的节日。但是鲜有人知植树节的由来。植树节最先是为了纪念孙中山先生的。孙 先生一直很重视植树造林,在1914年,他颁布了我国历史上第一个《森林法》。政府和普通群众便开始在春天植树造林。在1925年3月12日,孙中山先生 病逝,为了纪念他对中国所作出的伟大贡献,政府把每年的3月12日定为植树节。
In 2014, the slogan of tree-planting day is Embrace the spring, Sow the Green. Trees are so important to our planet. The naturalists compare the trees to human beings lungs. It’s true that trees take in the carbon dioxide and other toxic gas and give off oxygen which living beings lives on it. If trees were all cut down, the earth would be a disaster. First of it, the temperature will raising then the glaciers will melt. Thus the cities near the ocean will be flooded. Second, the trees are the habitat of many animals. When we cut down trees, we not only destroy animals’ habitats but also ourselves’. We just gradually destroy natural links. Last but not least, trees can prevent water loss and soil erosion; it’s the key to maintain the balance.
在2014年,植树节的主题是“拥抱春天,播种绿色”。树木对我们的地球来说非常重要。自然学家甚至把树木比作人类的肺部。树木能够吸收二氧化碳和其他有 毒气体,并转化成生物们赖以生存的氧气。如果把树木全部砍掉,那么地球就会陷入灾难之中。首先,气温会升高,然后冰川就会融化,导致近海的城市会被海水给 淹没。其次,很多生物把树木当成自己的栖息地。当我们砍伐树木时,我们也破坏了自己的家园。生物链就慢慢被我们给瓦解了。最后,树木能阻止水土流失。它是 保护生态平衡的关键。
Trees are so important for living beings. Eighty nine years has passed by, we still marvelous at Mr. Sun’s foresight and wisdom that he knew planting trees and protect the environment is the foundation of developing a strong and wealthy country.
上一篇:关于东西方文化差异 The Difference Culture Between the East a 下一篇:My Idea of Family Planning-我对家庭计划的理念



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