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我的英语老师 My Headteacher

编辑: 英语作文 来源: 英语作文网 时间: 2013-02-18 阅读:
高中英语作文:我的英语老师My Headteacher

My high school headteacher teaches my English. He is handsome.  And he is very thin for hardwork. He is about forty years old. He looks serious. But in fact, he is kind, nice and warmhearted.


On the one hand, he is serious on study. Whoever doesn’t finish the homework or cheat in the exam, he will punish him or her badly. Sometimes he will let those students do doble homework or have  another exam. Sometimes he will ask those students write reports on that behavior. But when teaching us in class, he is so patient. It’s the same when asking him questions. On the other hand, he will play with us after class. Meanwhile, if anyone has any difficuty in study or daily life, he will give a hand without hesitation.

一方面,他在学习上是很严格的。不管是谁没完成作业或者在考试中作弊他都会重重是惩罚他或她。有时候他会让他们做双倍的家庭作业或者重新再参加过另一个考 试。有时候他会让他们对自己的行为写报告。但是,在课堂上教我们的时候他是很有耐心的。我们向他请教问题的时候也是一样的。另一方面,在课后他会和我们一 起玩。同时,如果我们任何人有任何关于学习或者日常生活上的困难,他都会毫不犹豫的伸出援手

All in all, we love our headteacher, though sometimes he is serious. We like his responsibility. We also appreciate his spirit to work for students heart and soul.


上一篇:一些表达对恋人爱意的英文句子 下一篇:给妈妈的一封信 A Letter to Mother



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