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我对于摩托车的看法 My View On Motorcycle

编辑: 英语作文 来源: 英语作文网 时间: 2013-07-26 阅读:
我对于摩托车的看法英语作文带翻译 My View On Motorcycle

Motorcycle, as a kind of vehicle, is still very common in some areas of the China, while it has been forbidden in other cities. Toward motorcycle, people have different backgrounds hold different opinions.

On the one hand, those people who have benefited from motorcycles sing highly praise of it. They point out that motorcycles bring a great convenience to their going out. With the help of motorcycles, they can choose different routines to avoid the influence of traffic jam. In addition, their plans of travel are less limited by weather changes. What’s more, the expenditure of transportation is reduced a lot compared with other kind of vehicles.

However, on the other hand, other people figure out that motorcycles have caused a lot of bad influence and even disasters. For example, noise and air pollution caused by motorcycles lower their life quality and threaten their health. What’s worse, some motorcyclists who do not have enough qualification to motorcycle are easier to cause some traffic accidents, which have a great threat for their life security.

As far as I am concerned, the advantages of motorcycles far weigh than it disadvantages and motorcycles should not be forbidden completely. However, to reduce the bad influence caused by motorcycles, our government should take actions to regulate the use of motorcycles.


一方面,那些从摩托车中得到好处的人们对摩托车高度赞扬。他们指出,摩托车给他们的出行带来了极大的方便。在摩托车的帮助下,他们出门时,可以选择不同的 路线,从而避免交通堵塞带来的影响。另外,天气变化对于他们出行计划的影响也更小。更重要的是,相比其他的交通方式,摩托车出行的费用大大减少了。



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