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舍友关系融洽的重要性The Importance of Roommate Relationships

编辑: 英语作文 来源: 英语作文网 时间: 2014-03-02 阅读:
Recently a lot of bad news about roommate in college was reported, like roommate was stabbed, roommate was poisoned, which have been a wake-up call for students to establish a good relationship with their roommates. In my point of view, I think is very important to maintain a good relationship with roommates. I have several reasons to support my point.
In the first place, good roommate relationships could help student not only in study, but in life. As we all know, if you are being nice to others, others would do the same thing to you, unless the one who don’t accept your attitude. In college, students need each other’s help to improve their study, it is teamwork. In dormitory, they still need each other, for instance, look after for someone when they get sick. If you are in a bad relationship with roommates, you are never going to enjoy the treatment.
第一,融洽的舍友关系不仅能够在学习上帮助学生,生活上也可以。总所周知,如果你对别人好,别人也会对你好,除非人家不领情。在大学,学生需要彼此来提升 自己的学习,这叫团队合作。在宿舍,他们依然需要彼此,例如,生病了有个照应。如果你和舍友关系不好,你都不会享受到这些待遇。
In the second place, establish a good roommate relationship could help students to build a good personality. Children in modern times are spoiled mostly, they are always the princess or prince in the family. When they live in the dormitory, it’s hard for them to get rid of their bad temper, they still think others should be nice them, or they are hardly to notice they are mean to others, which is the main reason to cause roommate troubles or tragedy. If they know how to establish and maintain a good roommate relationships, they certainly will become the one who with good personality.
第二,建立融洽的舍友关系能够帮助学生建立好的性格。现在的孩子大部分都是被宠坏的,他们通常都是家里的公主王子。他们住到宿舍后,很难摆脱掉他们那些坏 脾气,他们依然认为大家都得无条件对他们好,或者他们很难注意到他们对别人很差,这就是舍友问题或悲剧产生的主要原因。如果他们知道如何去建立和维持融洽 的舍友关系,那个他们就无疑地成为一个大好人。
Therefore, establish and maintain a good roommate relationships is very important. It is good for student’s study, life environment, and helping them to be a nicer people, what’s more important, lots of tragedy can be avoided. 
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