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早上看日出英语作文 Sunrise

编辑: 英语作文 来源: 英语作文网 时间: 2013-03-06 阅读:
高中英语作文:早上看日出英语作文 Sunrise

Sunrise It is said that the scene of sunrise is beautiful, but I had never seen it before. It was so hot last night that I didn't sleep well. Early this morning I got up and came to the balcony to relax. It was cool outside. I looked up at the sky, the sparse stars twinkling there. Everything around me was dim. I gazed at the east, where the sky was lightening. After a while, the stars disappeared and the buildings, trees, streets in the distance could be seen faintly. Slowly, the horizon in the east was becoming reddish. The red color extended continuously and was becoming thicker and thicker. At last the sun showed its face a little, gradually into a half flaming ball, and whole ball appeared, shining brightly. Everything around me was clear. What a beautiful sunrise I saw!


据说日出的景色十分美丽,但我从来没见过。昨晚很热,我没有睡好,一大清早我就起来了,到阳台上休息。外面很凉快,我抬头看天稀稀疏疏的几颗星星在 天空闪烁,我周围的一切都很模糊,我注视着微亮的东方。一会儿,星星消失了,远处的建筑物,树,街道依稀可见。渐渐地,东方地平线越来越红,红色逐渐扩 大,越来越深,。最后太阳出现了,发出耀眼的光芒,周围的一切都变亮了,多么美丽的日出啊!

上一篇:我最喜欢的课程——英语 My Favorite Subject---English 下一篇:人与自然 Man and Nature



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