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关于绝望主妇的英语作文带翻译 Desperate Housewives

编辑: 英语作文 来源: 英语作文网 时间: 2014-06-27 阅读:
高一英语作文:关于绝望主妇的英语作文带翻译 Desperate Housewives

Desperate Housewives is an America TV series. I like watching it. The story is about four women. It tells the experience between them, especially their family and friendship. They all have advantages and disadvantages. In the growing up, they gain and lose a lot as well as learn much. They become mature at last. But the most important thing that I think I need to learn from them is keeping an optimistic mind, be kind-hearted and treasure everything we own all the time. They have desperate once, but they live in the sunshine finally. Maybe this is life.

《绝望的主妇》是一部美国电视连续剧。我很喜欢看。讲的是四个女人的故事。说了她们之间的经历,特别是她们的家庭和友谊。她们都有优点和缺点。在成长的道 路上,他们得到的很多,也失去了很多,同时也学会了很多。最后变得成熟了。但是,我觉得我要向她们学习的最重要的一点是保持乐观,善良的心态,珍惜我们所 拥有的一切。她们都曾经绝望过,但最后她们还是活在了阳光下。也许这就是生活吧。
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