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关于补考的英语作文-My View on Remedial Examinations

编辑: 英语作文 来源: 英语作文网 时间: 2012-08-24 阅读:
关于补考的英语作文-My View on Remedial Examinations
温馨提示:关于补考的英语作文,这是一篇讲述大学高校补考的情况,补考可是每一个大学生最担心的事情,轻则花费钱和精力去考试,重则有可能拿不到毕业证或者学士学位证。童鞋们,加油吧~~千万别提前来学校补考哦 呵呵

Remedial examinations have been part of university education for many years. After careful observation, we can find that it is more complicated than we have thought.
On the whole, I should say remedial examinations are necessary for our educational system. On the one hand, some college students are not working hard, and if none of them fail the examination, how can we guarantee the quality of education? On the other hand, by preparing for and taking part in remedial examinations, students can make up for the lost time. If they can learn from this lesson, it will certainly be beneficial for their future life.
To make remedial examinations do the job, however, we have to make sure of several points below. For one thing, we should make all the examinations as fair as possible. Some students cheat in the examinations to get high scores, and others beg the teacher for a satisfactory grade. All of these people should be severely punished. For another, teachers should not decide the number of students failing the test before the examination. They should bear a standard in mind, which is comparable across the years.

The remedial examination is an important part of college education. Only by planning it wisely and conducting it reasonably can we make best use of it.


关于补考的英语作文-My View on Remedial Examinations



然 而,要使补考行之有效,我们必须保证做到以下几点:一方面,我们要使所有的考试都尽可能的公正。有些学生为了取得高分,就在考试中作弊,另一些人则为了得 到一个满意的分数去央求老师。所有这些人都应该受到严惩;其次,教师不应在考试前决定不及格学生的人数。而是通过多年的教学,形成一个评价标准。

上一篇:钢铁之王安德鲁·卡内基-the King of Steel,Andrew Carnegie 下一篇:2012年12月英语四级作文中常用短语分享



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