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我最爱的人英语文章 The Person I Love Most

编辑: 英语作文 来源: 英语作文网 时间: 2012-12-04 阅读:

我最爱的人英语文章 The Person I Love Most

I love my mother most, because she is my mother and she loves me, too. My mother cares good care of me. Every morning, she gets up early and makes breakfast for me. Every day, she cooks delicious meals for me and my father. She knows us favorites. Besides, she often talks to me, so that we like close friends. She knows everything about me. My mother’s hobby is reading. She has much knowledge. And she encourages me to read more books. It’s good for me.


上一篇:秋天的颜色 The Colour of Autumn 下一篇:大学生活的意义所在 The Value of University Life



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