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爸爸与童话故事 Dad is Equal to Fairy Tales

编辑: 英语作文 来源: 英语作文网 时间: 2013-06-21 阅读:
小学英语作文:爸爸与童话故事 Dad is Equal to Fairy Tales

My father is very busy on work everyday. He leaves home every morning before I get up. And then he will have a whole day work. Sometimes he doesn’t have time to have dinner with me. But every night he will tell Fairy Tales for me before I fall asleep. He never stopped doing this. So, on the bookshelf of my room, there are many Fairy Tales books and most of them are not new. Every night reading time is the happy time for my father and me.

我爸爸每天工作都很忙。每天早上在我还没起床的时候他就离开家了。然后他会有一整天的工作。有时候他也没有时间和我一起吃晚饭。但每天晚上他都会在我睡着 之前给我讲童话。他从来没有停止过做这件事。所以,在我房间里的书架上有很多童话故事书,而且大多数都不是新的。每天晚上的读书时间就是属于我和爸爸的快乐时光。

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